
A new way to capture nature and memories.
Relive rethinks the way we take pictures in nature. It is a concept that enables users to capture scenery together with its real-time weather information. The open-frame Scene Catcher puts our focus on the actual scene as opposed to live preview on screens, giving us the opportunity to enjoy the scene while being able to capture it. By using the colors, sunlight, wind, and temperature in the scenery to generate a ‘‘living’’ scene, as the weather parameters influence the behavior of the light on a “canvas”.

We are naturally attracted to beautiful scenery in our daily encounters and it is difficult to resist taking a snapshot of it with our phones before moving on. These photographs often stay in the digital album and never be seen again. Could we collect those beautiful encounters back home and hang them up like paintings?

What if we can capture the scenery with not just an image, but together with its weather information such as temperature, wind, and light intensity?

The Concept:
Relive consists of two objects: the scene catcher and the canvas. The see-through viewfinder allows user to see the actual scene as he captures it by closing the device in a sliding motion. The canvas would generate color pixels and movement based on the captured image and weather data, creating a living painting.
